Ntsiki Mazwai Statement

2630 views | Mon, 6th of December, 2021




It was with the deepest dismay to note my name being raised in the press statement released by Molemo Jubjub Maarohanye’s parents this past weekend. (December 5 2021)

I would like to correct something. I lost my case because I posted an alleged victim and she did not come forward to verify the story. It is not the same at Amanda, Masechaba and the other ladies who are the originators of their posts and stories. I feel it disingenuous to use my case to intimidate these women from telling their story.

As correctly noted, GBV is a pandemic in this country. I as an activist believe every alleged victim has the right to tell their story so they may find peace. I also believe that albeit it continues to fail women, we should still open rape cases with the relevant authorities, before posting on social media. This is because the way our justice system is set up, it is always ready to protect perpetrators reputations and always ready to throw out cases as there is never  enough evidence for rape..... Especially since only two people know the facts.

In August 2021 there was also a landmark ruling in the western cape which interdicted victims from being silenced. An alleged perp sought to silence an alleged victim from posting on social media and she won the case. https://m.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=166246992317424&_rdr  My elders, I have been ordered by the court not to speak defamatory about my complainant and as you correctly stated I lost. You also got all my costs wrong, I was ordered to pay their legal fees which came close to R200 000. I don’t know where you got the half a million from unless it was just to scare the other ladies.

I have respected the courts and abided. I find it terribly provocative to be used as an incorrect example to silence other women. Please refrain from using my  name when protecting your son.

Lastly, I wish you the best and hope you resolve all your issues without involving my name.